Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

Article 1 DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Right to Bear Arms Section 21

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and the state ,shall not be questioned.

How complicated is that to understand?.

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i m sorry if this has been asked, but is there a specific order we should be doing everything in?. what do u think about this anonymous betting with cryptocurrency? Just joined them... - https://tinyurl.com/3fbhv4ts

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I wonder what would happen, if, instead of seeking to forcibly disarm the American People, those among my friends, neighbors, and fellow-Citizens who elect the public servants whose job it is, to pass laws; administer the execution of those laws; and/or "interpret" or "explain" the way that the WORDS WHICH COMPRISE THE LAWS (including the Constitution) "apply" to "the situation at-hand", would consider DOING the following:

1) Make sure that all American Citizens who are obligated to attend the 12+ years of MANDATORY schooling that is GIVEN to ALL of them (and, through them, to their parents) free-of-charge, are taught the things that they will need to know, to actually RUN the country that will be gradually (but inexorably) placed into their hands, beginning on their respective 18th birthdays, so that:

a) if the Internet gets "hacked", and something "disappears" from the on-line version of the Constitution (such as the part about "no ex-post-facto laws" or "no 'suspension of habeas corpus' except in the case of invasion or rebellion", or the part about "the Senate is required to actually vote on a President's nominations for Supreme Court Justice (instead of ignoring 'Marbury vs. Madison' and the plain language of a section of the Constitution that existed, on the National Archives' web-site, in 2016, about how to replace a dead Justice)",...

...someone will know about it, instead of every lawyer in the country (including former President Barack Obama, himself) saying that John Marshall was a do-nothing whose "Marbury vs. Madison" ruling was just a ""storm in a teacup" of a "rap" that moved air around, but accomplished nothing other than saying, "I don't feel like doing the work, but let me show you how to come out of loafing, still smelling like a rose."...


b) ...the Muslims who can truly prove that they've memorized (AND COMPREHEND) every word in the Qur'an can have some basis for thinking that --even if the US Constitution should be understood to be a much shorter and simpler document, than the Qur'an-- at least, any American who has actually MEMORIZED it and actually KNOWS WHAT THE SUPREME LAW OF THE USA SAYS...

...is someone who actually CARES about that Law, about the Republic that the Law DEFINES AND ESTABLISHES, and the POWER that it ACKNOWLEDGES to belong to the CITIZEN, and to have been DELEGATED to those Citizens' Public SERVANTS!

Forget it!

Don't write to me, any more. The whole thing is hopeless.

I'm sorry, Al Gore, for YOUR sake.

But, even though I know that you are probably eating crap, to see what has become of the World-Wide Web that your advocacy and authorization actually DID make possible,...

...the ridicule that you received, during the 2000 Presidential campaign, when NOT ONE, NO-TALENT, DORITO-EATING SOUL of a "tech wizard" would admit that ANY bureaucrat or ANY manager or executive could do anything but SUCK THE COUNTRY DRY and try to REIN IN THEIR FUN, rather than actually PAVING THE WAY and making EVERYTHING feasible, for the BENEFIT of humanity, and not for some shit-head who makes a joke about "users" thinking a CD-tray, on a PC, is a CUP-HOLDER!



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