Thank you for all you do. Some times I feel your Caucus is the ONLY thing fighting for us in Pennsylvania. Please know some of us are praying for your many victories as you hold our children's future in your battles.

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If this lawsuit is warranted, why have only 24 state legislators signed the suit? We have 203 State Representatives and 50 State Senators. It appears that those who signed the suit are all Republicans out to spend tax payer's dollars. Something like this should be supported by a majority of legislators before simply deciding to spend money without taxpayer approval. If this suit is just, they should be polling ALL the people they represent and act on the people's behalf without assuming that the people support their actions. Again, this is simply a waste of taxpayer's money. Why don't they do something meaningful to the residents of Pennsylvania like acting on the Fairness Act that has been bottled up for years? This Act would ensure that EVERYONE in Pennsylvania is treated the same regardless of race, creed, color, and gender, among others. Currently there are too many minorities receiving less than the fairness our Constitution, both the State and Federal, guarantee. Stop forcing your own agenda on the citizens and justifying it by saying they are acting for the citizens. They are not.

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