Harrisburg, PA- Following the election of Emily Drabinski as president of the American Library Association, the Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus is calling for the Pennsylvania Library Association and all Pennsylvania libraries – state, local and school - to sever any and all affiliations with the American Library Association.
The election of Drabinski, a self-described Marxist, raises concerns surrounding the promotion of explicit material and responsible use of taxpayer funding at state libraries.
PAFC member Representative Barb Gleim (Cumberland) believes this is an important step in the right direction of a much larger issue. “The American Library Association has lost sight of what educational content is appropriate for minors and could quite possibly be in violation of Federal Laws. There is already precedent for taking racist materials out of public-school libraries and books promoted by the ALA regarding the sexualization of youth should follow this same path.”
PAFC is hopeful all libraries in the Commonwealth, as well as the Pennsylvania State Library Association, will cut ties following Montana’s successful exit from the American Library Association last week.
Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus Chair Representative Dawn Keefer (York) expressed her frustration with this recent organization change in the American Library Association explaining, “the fact that the American Library Association would even consider electing a self-proclaimed Marxist to lead their organization is not only an affront to our constitutional republic, but to our founding father, Benjamin Franklin, who founded our nation’s first library. Every Pennsylvania library - state, local or school - must send a clear message and immediately sever all ties with such an imprudent association. Millions of Pennsylvania tax dollars are appropriated annually to support the network of libraries in our Commonwealth, and taxpayers deserve the peace of mind of knowing their money is not propping up a Marxist-led organization.”
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Bravo! You should add that these books are RECOMMENDED by them to the kids; it is NOT a First Amendment or "book banning" issue. And many of these books also give a very dark and depressing view of the world, not appropriate for young children who do not have the context of life experience to understand it properly.